Data Privacy Statement

Payment Policy

We currently support two payment methods: Paypal and Credit/Debit Card. The detailed procedures are as follows:



You can connect your PayPal, credit card, debit card, or bank account to PayPal to purchase products. After submitting an order, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete the transaction.

1.Log in to your PayPal account or use Credit Card Express;

2.Enter your card details and the order will be sent to your PayPal address. Then click "Submit";

3.Your payment will be processed instantly.

NOTE: Your order will be sent to your PayPal address. Please make sure it is correct and complete.




We accept the following credit/debit cards for payment:

- Visa
- MasterCard/Maestro
- American Express

Note: We do not accept any other payment methods that are not listed.

How do I pay by credit card using PayPal?

If you do not have a PayPal account, you can enter your credit card information directly at PayPal and complete your payment.

Once you are redirected to PayPal, simply do the following

1.Make sure the "Don't have a PayPal account?" option is selected

If your PayPal page looks as follows, just click on "Don't have a PayPal account?"


2.Enter your credit card's data

Depending on your country, you may also be asked for your address, email and phone number.

When you are finished, click "Review and Continue".


3.Click on "Pay Now"


4.Click on "No, Thanks"


5.Finally, click on "Pay now" you will complete your payment